Religious freedom is under threat in Australia with Christians and people of other faiths facing increasing hostility in the workplace and in the public square. HRLA has put together a list of Aust...
Homosexual Vilification Claim Dropped
In a victory for free speech, the Human Rights Law Alliance has successfully assisted Queensland mother-of-four and photographer, Katrina Tait, to defeat an LG...
HRLA Submission to the Attorney-General on the Exposure Draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill.
The Human Rights Law Alliance has made a submission to the Attorney-General on the exposure draft...
GoFundMe’s abrupt shutdown of Israel Folau’s fundraising page yesterday for “violation of… terms of service” is a troubling development for his religious freedom case and has disturbing implication...
Britain’s second highest Court handed down a decision on religious freedom that will send chills down the collective spine of Rugby Australia. In contrast, Israel Folau and his team will be thankin...
The year of our Lord two thousand and nineteen in Australia has so far been a fertile year for the public profile of the fundamental right of freedom of religion for Christians to manifest their be...