Kategoria Conference

Kategoria is an important initiative from the Lachlan Macquarie Institute (LMI).

It is grounded in the conviction that the message of Jesus – the Gospel – is at the heart of our engagement with culture and that this catalyses profound change in individuals, communities and societies.

We think that wise Christian leaders have both evangelistic calling and social vision. 

Kategoria exists to train and support these leaders.

Kategoria is an ancient Greek word meaning ‘accusation’. It’s the opposite of defence (apologia).

In this conference we are seeking to prosecute a case – make an argument – about how Christians should live and what the world should look like when it is impacted by the Gospel. 

Kategoria is about the questions Jesus puts to the culture.

The Keynote speaker is Stephen McAlpine, who will set the program framework by drawing upon the key themes of his recently published book: “Futureproof, How to Live for Jesus in a Culture that Keeps on Changing” to analyse our secular western culture, before showing how the Gospel equips Christians and churches to Out-purpose, Out-relate, and Out-last the surrounding culture.

Building upon Stephen’s analysis, each day will include presentations from practitioners, academics, and experts in key areas of cultural engagement.

Presentations include areas such as: Politics, Work and Business, the Arts, Media, Education, Technology (AI).

The Conference will be held on 26 September to 30 September 2024

For full program details, schedule, presenters and to apply, please visit the Kategoria website using the link here.