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James – Quit Job after Pressure to go Against Conscience
James* is a pharmacist in South Australia who feels conscience-bound not to dispense hormones to people who reject their biological sex and identify as transgender. James would refer biological men seeking female hormone prescriptions to other pharmacists in his pharmacy but faced hostility. James eventually quit his job and gave up his profession because of the risk of expensive and stressful anti-discrimination claims if he continued to follow his conscience.
James’ experience demonstrates the mental anguish that regular, reasonable people often face when forced to choose between their career and probable legal targeting by activists, simply for standing firm in their convictions.
*Clients have been de-identified where settlements were confidential, where issues are sensitive, where requested or where the matter is currently before the Courts.
If you or someone you know is involved in a similar case, we may be able to help. You can contact us via our Legal Help page.
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