Jason Tey is a celebrated wedding photographer. He was named as one of the Top 150 international wedding photographers in 2016 by SLR Lounge and won the pre-wedding category in the 2018 Internatio...
Caris* is a Christian GP. She displayed a notice in her practice advising patients that she didn’t consult on contraception, assisted reproduction technology or the termination of life. When her no...
Lara* is a Christian sole trader and operates a female beauty salon. A transgender activist reported Lara to the Victorian Human Rights Commission accusing Lara of refusing to take a booking from a...
Tim* is a Christian pharmacist in Tasmania who faced potential disciplinary action because, as a matter of conscience, he did not supply abortion drugs in his pharmacy.
During a normal workday, a ...
Max* is an experienced teacher in NSW who is highly regarded by colleagues, students and parents alike, and is recognised as a skilled, effective and organised teacher.
At the beginning of the 202...
Oliver* and his wife are homestay parents in Queensland who were given care of an adolescent international student (who was a biological female) studying at a local school.
Subsequent to the place...
Peter* was a doctor in QLD who had complaints made about him to the Medical Board over personal posts on a social media platform about traditional Christian beliefs on sexuality and gender.
James* is a pharmacist in South Australia who feels conscience-bound not to dispense hormones to people who reject their biological sex and identify as transgender. James would refer biological me...
Jonathan* and Sandra’s* daughter Kate*, was diagnosed in childhood with psychological instability and emotional trauma. In her early-20s, Kate announced that she now identified as a male and expect...
Dianne Colbert is a mental health counsellor in Victoria and was accredited as a ‘Master Mental Health First Aid instructor’. Mental Health First Aid stripped Dianne of her accreditation after rece...
Jeremy* is a Christian medical practitioner with over 40 years’ experience. He shared his opinion on social media regarding psychological challenges faced by LGBT+ people and an anonymous complaint...
Madeline is a Christian who was an entertainer for a children’s party business in Canberra. During the leadup to the 2017 Same-Sex Marriage postal vote, Madeline posted on Facebook, ‘It’s ok to vot...
Marcus* is a support worker who helps troubled youth in the community. He is also a Christian and holds traditional views on sexuality. As part of his role, Marcus was asked to sit a psychological...
Riley is a practicing Catholic who is same-sex attracted but lives a celibate life in accordance with Catholic teaching. Riley stood for traditional marriage during the 2017 marriage campaign and w...
Byron and Keira Hordyk love children and have three children of their own. As committed Christians, they are always looking for ways to be of service to others. Knowing that so many children are bo...
Dr. Patricia Weerakoon was born in Sri Lanka and trained as a doctor in her home country and the United States. She has been an academic sexologist living in Australia for decades and has devoted h...
Maria* is a general practitioner who has studied hard and enjoys serving people through her job. Like many doctors she has conscientious convictions about various things, including family and bioet...
Dr Jereth Kok is a Victorian family doctor with over fifteen years of experience and an unblemished record of medical practice. The Medical Board received two anonymous complaints about Dr Kok’s pe...