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Caleb Cornloup – Religious Discrimination by Local Council
Caleb Corneloup has been a street evangelist for several years, preaching in each of the cities where he has lived.
That is why he applied to the Launceston City Council for permission to preach in the malls in the city regularly.
Unfortunately, Caleb was informed by the Council that street evangelism was not permitted.
Lawyers affiliated with the Human Rights Law Alliance challenged this wide-ranging prohibition by the Council in the Federal Court, arguing that the decision was not properly made, was discriminatory on the ground of religion, and was invalid by reason of the implied freedom of political communication in the Australian Constitution.
With our help, Caleb was successful in the Federal Court. The Federal Court quashed the Council’s decision to refuse a permit and ordered that it consider and determine the matter according to law. As a result, the Council ultimately granted a permit to Mr Corneloup.
Click here to read the Federal Court judgment.
If you or someone you know is involved in a similar case, we may be able to help. You can contact us via our Legal Help page.
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